AW21 Show Filming
Some behind-the-scenes shots of the AW21 show filming by our friend Stefan Kohli.
Final Walk.

Dusk over the San Gabriels.

Between takes.
Floyd & Trystin in a Varsity & Sherpa Fleece.
Sara in the Cotton Shirt Dress & Trouser.
Varsity Jacket on Floyd.
Raheem in the Cropped Waxed Hunting Jacket.
Trystin in the Paneled Nylon Sport Jacket.
Lauryn & Ernesto between takes.
Lauryn in the Grey Wool Half-Zip coat on approach.
Reese & Floyd after the show.
Location change.
Mt. Wilson Observatory.
Hair & Make-up from above.
100 inch Telescope diagram.
Stylist, Savannah White ready to go.
Violinist, Brianna Rhodes in RCI AW21.
Mt. Wilson Exec Director, Tom Meneghini lines up the telescope.
Rob Paik, Juliet Johnstone, Jakob Hetzer, Reese Cooper.
Reese watches from below.
Violinist, Brianna Rhodes in the opening sequence.
Drone shot.

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