BEYOND A LOOKBOOK: Reese Cooper’s focus on real action in nature, forests and outdoor preservation
As part of our run up to AW21 Paris Fashion Week, the Federation asked us if we would talk about some of our key learnings from working on our show alongside two non-profits and the USDA Forest Service.
Moderated by Ben Edgar (Benjamin Edgar Object Company), we sat down with Tom Meneghini, Executive Director of the Mt. Wilson Institute and Dania Gutierrez. Head of Partnerships at the National Forest Foundation to discuss what it means for the brand to use our platform to try to effect real change.
Beyond A Lookbook can be seen below and highlights some of the differences between the brand’s focus on sustainability and our efforts to help the NFF and places like the Mt. Wilson Observatory. Using our platform to help promote these organizations was the foundation of our show. Both Tom and Dania share how the fires have impacted them and how they need to drive more engagement to sustain their organizations. Collectively we spoke about how fashion can contribute to environmental causes in a number of ways.
Art direction by Studio TW.